Does Botox remove forehead wrinkles?
As we are fortunate to see lifestyles resuming more normalcy, Dr. Shelton has noticed in so many of his long-term patients, and heard from new patients, how much this last trying year and a quarter has been tough on faces. There has been a quickening of sagging, fat depletion, wrinkling and new creases form on the forehead, cheeks, jawline and neck. Many see jowls and neck folds they hadn’t had before they were on so many zoom calls. The stress and sometimes poorer eating habits have taken their toll on the cosmetic appearance of many individuals who now seek improvement. It is important to know that two commonly done procedures, Botulinum toxin (Botox®) and Fillers can be done in the Summer without concern of outdoor activities, provided sunscreen is used.
If you are interested in this combined treatment, be sure to consult an experienced dermatologist. To speak with Dr Shelton about your Botox® and filler treatment options, please call (212) 593–1818 or book an appointment at